Saturday, November 21, 2009

Digital Sheep

Here's a ten minute keynote speech at Web 2 Expo delivered by Chris Brogan, author of Trust Agents.

This is a wonderfully short and useful talk about social media. I particularly enjoyed the one question Brogan asked which seemed to not get the response intended. "What is more sad than making digital sheep?" Perfectly stated, I thought. It's a beautiful play on words and reference to Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? with it's human-looking and human acting androids without empathy or feelings. It so perfectly captures the way that some companies and marketing efforts are using Twitter and other social media in a non-personal and non-humanity level sort of way.

Here are some other great key point that Brogan makes:

- "You should be listening far more than you should be worrying about what to say." [Which is pretty cool to consider that what's important in face to face conversation is ALSO important in social networking dialogues]

- And quoting from Emerson, says: "Go where there is no path and leave a trail."

Check it out, and if you gain something from it, you'll likely want to check out the book Trust Agents, which I quite enjoyed and learned a lot from.

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